on Federation Boulevard and Cheviot Drive, you can easily see the park and the associated equipment as you drive along the main road. The park is split over several areas, with soccer nets and goal posts on the oval at one end, intertwined with natural elements and a heap of climbing apparatus. The park suits those kiddies that are able climbers and willing to go down rather steep slides- Jack wouldn’t have got anything out of this park 6 months ago.
- oval with footy goal posts and soccer nets
- 4 smaller rise slides, that Jack struggled to climb the mounds to get up to the top.
- bike paths through the park
- semi-sheltered areas
- several different spinning poles
- 2 rope bridges set on rubber mounds
- 2 larger slides
- musical steps to stomp on
- climbing frame with rope
- 4-seater spring rocker
- 1 hammock swing
- 2 large gyro swings
Jack liked:
Climbing up the incline to get to the top of the slide, before turning over and coming all the way back down. I think he easily went up and down 20 times. The first time he went over the rope bridges his foot kept getting stuck, so he didn’t particularly like it. He held my hand and walked over it twice, but most of the time he attempted to crawl over it. He did like holding my hand and running up and down the mounds separating the rope bridges. He also enjoyed the pathway around to the other section of play equipment, especially when he realised he could stomp on the musical steps. I think this park is better suited to the older toddlers and the bigger kids. You need fairly long legs to climb up the steep inclines sometimes!